Sunday, March 15, 2009

So the latest lie...

It seems that the latest story going around is that the former Bunker members were banned from Ravelry because we "coordinated attacks from offsite and disrupted the site" or some such crap as that.

That's a bunch of bull and a boldface lie.

If they have the proof, then produce it. They can't because there isn't any. All we ever did was nothing more than certain groups did ON and OFF Ravelry - point out certain posts to each other, click on the links, and then read, post, or click a button. OOOOOHHHHHH - I guess that's disruption. I think the Rubberneckers should be very worried.

I'm sorry that Ravelry doesn't like that some people have a problem with donations made for the use of the site go to idiotic purposes like carbon credits. That's the thread where the latest accusations of us "coordinating an attack offsite" came from this week - and Casey chose to buy into their paranoid delusions.

Let's just stop dancing around what really happened. Casey and Jess are liberals who have a bunch of liberal friends that didn't like us being on the site. They did everything in their power to cause trouble for us and complain at every turn. Rather than alienate their buddies and the rabid masses, Ravelry chose to get rid of us.

Here's a newsflash though - banning us won't stop the real problem that exists at Ravelry - poor community management. Maybe instead of drinking themselves silly at Boston bars this weekend or getting ridiculous crocheted "pasties" from their groupies, they should be taking seminars on how to manage their site.


Jen H said...

That's just it. Remember the big scandal over public and private groups? If he had just implemented some of the suggestions all of this could have been avoided. Instead he wanted a completely open community. Those never work.

Tammy said...

Especially interesting is that most of my blog hits today are coming from:
which is the off-site group for the rubberneckers, a group which exists entirely for the purpose of mocking other Ravelers. So any notion that our off-site board was causing trouble is a lame excuse at best.

Anonymous said...

Maybe they should speak with Tom from MySpace, or Brad from LiveJournal, or any of the entrepreneurs before them who have created successful websites.

If the Bunker members had caused actual "coordinated attacks," I would not be so disgusted right now. I would see the bannings as a justifiable defense. In my entire life, I have been a very direct person. I do not need anything more than my words.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for telling your side of the story, EllieJane. You Rock!

Diane / "Didi" said...

As someone mentioned to me earlier today, I'm certain that people clicking "en masse" to Ravelry from the Lime & Violet web site, that would be no problem at all. For the few of us in our off-site gathering place at any one time on any one night, 25-40 clicks can't be considered 'disruption' ... the ladies we know and hang with just don't care enough about what the opposition thinks to try to disrupt them. We think it's best to leave them alone to play by themselves and hang out where we're wanted.

Anonymous said...

I sent an email to LegalCraig asking about the Ravelry button on my blog. I don't want to get anyone banned who clicks on that button. Maybe I should take it down...I also posted the story of the site disruption excuse/Ravelry button dilemma in GOP Knitters group. Will let you know what the response is.

Anonymous said...

I was banned as well--I have never posted in any political forum, nor do I belong to any political groups. My sister visited here over Christmas, and used my computer. She is banned, and I can only assumed that I am banned as well due to my association with her. I have emailed Ravelry to ask why I can no longer access my projects (and the PDF files I purchased from them). I have received no answer so far. My 13 year old daughter, who is not permitted to visit the forums, and uses Ravelry for finding new toy patterns to make, has been suspended as well. Neither of us needs to be on Ravelry, but some notice, and the opportunity to download the items I have purchased would have been nice. I would love an answer from Ravelry as to why our accounts have been suspended. Until I hear back from them, I will assume it is because we are related to a member whose political views do not 100% mirror the views held by the owner of the site.